Tuesday, December 21, 2010

LIFE'S BRIEF CANDLE by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE - Poem yg pnh ku plekeh ms zaman skol hhehehhe.. tapi masa berlalu..

Posted by Ai Am Nor at 6:29 PM 0 Kemon Komen

meaningfull poem.... zaman skol dulu2 x ska baca poem terutama ENGLISH Literature.. fuuuhhh!!! pening!!!! tak faham & tak nak faham pun... tapi sekarang.... =l i can feel & understand more..

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death.
Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow,
a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more:
it is a tale
Told by an idiot,
full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing

Poem 'Life's Brief Candle' karya W.Shakespeare yg terbaik dalam siri Macbeth..

Dalam adegan ini, Macbeth baru saja menerima kabar tentang kematian isterinya,Lady Macbeth.
Sedih, kesepian dan putus asa, ia merasa bahawa kekalahan sudah dekat. Macbeth kecewa
mencerminkan bagaimana kehidupan pendek dan kosong.

Mungkin tampaknya menjadi titik pandang pesimis, tetapi mencabar kita untuk melihat lebih
dekat pada erti sebenarnya dari kehidupan.

Lines 1 - 3: hari demi hari lewat di masa depan bergerak sangat lambat hingga akhir waktu.

Lines 4 - 5: Masa lalu menampakkan kebodohan seseorang yang jalan menuju kematian.

Lines 6 - 8: Hidup ini seperti bayangan yang mengikuti kehidupan sebelum kematiannya.

Lines 8 - 15: Hidup ini adalah drama, tetapi tak bererti diceritakan oleh orang yang tak memahaminya

Thursday, December 9, 2010

One Minute With Prophet Muhammad

Posted by Ai Am Nor at 7:44 PM 0 Kemon Komen


andai kita di beri peluang... sanggupkah kita menghadapi baginda? sedih rasanya andai baginda berada di zaman akhir ini melihat umat islam yang ada kini.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mengapakah Ibumu Menangis? | iluvislam.com + discover the beauty of islam

Posted by Ai Am Nor at 8:53 PM 0 Kemon Komen
Mengapakah Ibumu Menangis? | iluvislam.com + discover the beauty of islam

maafkan anak mu wahai emak, wahai ibu... (T_T)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Chantal Kreviazuk - Leaving On A Jet Plane [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

Posted by Ai Am Nor at 9:55 PM 0 Kemon Komen

"Leaving On A Jet Plane"

I'm ... I'm ...

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go
I'm standin' here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye

But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn
The taxi's waitin', he's blowin' his horn
Already I'm so lonesome I could die

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

I'm ...

There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I'll tell you now, they don't mean a thing

Every place I go, I think of you
Every song I sing, I sing for you
When I come back I'll wear your wedding ring

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

Now the time has come to leave you
One more time, oh, let me kiss you
And close your eyes and I'll be on my way

Dream about the days to come
When I won't have to leave alone
About the times that I won't have to say ...

Oh, kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

And I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

But I'm leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
(Leaving) On a jet plane

Sunday, November 21, 2010

emilia- big big world (karaoke)

Posted by Ai Am Nor at 7:57 PM 0 Kemon Komen

big girl in a big world... when i open my eyes your gone

Sunday, November 14, 2010

raya lagi

Posted by Ai Am Nor at 8:37 PM 0 Kemon Komen
raya datang lagi..
hari demi hari berlalu..
terasa lambat benar masa bergerak.
tetiba terasa jauh benar aku dilayang..
Ya Allah, bawa lah aku kembali....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

selamat tinggal(pamit)-broery marantika

Posted by Ai Am Nor at 11:14 PM 1 Kemon Komen

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

silap lagi

Posted by Ai Am Nor at 8:50 AM 0 Kemon Komen
salah.. Memang slalu salah.. Huuiisshh... Memang salah sendiri, tak nak ngaku.. Ai harus belajar terima kenyataan yang ai sama macam manusia ciptaanNYA.. Sentiasa buat salah dan harus belajar untuk mengakuinya.. Sorry banyak-banyak kat kawan ai tadi.. Tak sepatutnya kuar perkataan tu.. Benar-benar rasa bersalah.. Ai dah buat salah dan seharus nya tidak diulangi. Memang ada rasa tak puas hati disebaliknya, tapi ai tak patut buat macam tu kat kawan ai. Ai perlu control mulut ai nampaknya.. Sorry 1ce again.. Hmmmmm

Monday, October 11, 2010

so down

Posted by Ai Am Nor at 2:56 AM 0 Kemon Komen

siyesly, i'm so down.. Dlm thn 2010, ni la 2nd time ai rasa truk yg amat.. ai tak salahkan nya.. Just tertekan ngan sgala yg ada kat sisi..

akan jadi terasa hampa sangat2 bila kita terlalu mnaruh harapan.. Salah ai jugak, terlalu bharap n over confident.. Tapi bila ai dah tak confident mesti ai tak buat btol2..

Tp ai memang tak nak hidup dlm tekanan.. Ai try senyum.. P senyum ai pahit jak.. Coz dalam hati sapa tau.. Nak jer ai nangis depan orang, p nanti orang anggap ai lmh...

ai harap sangat2 dia ada time ni.. Coz selama ni dia jer nampak ai nangis... I'm so down.. Sayang.. I hope u r here..

Friday, July 23, 2010

We'll Gone

Posted by Ai Am Nor at 8:19 AM 0 Kemon Komen

You can shed tears that he is gone,
or you can smile because he has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that he’ll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all he’s left.
Your heart can be empty because you can’t see him,
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember him only that he is gone,
or you can cherish his memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what he’d want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.


~David Harkins

Saturday, July 17, 2010

here we are..

Posted by Ai Am Nor at 9:09 AM 3 Kemon Komen

setelah hampir 1 bulan...
hanya berani mengedit page, n design..
blum berupaya untuk menukilan..

setelah pelbagai halangan dan cubaan..
kini ai mengerti,
perginya dia merungkai seribu persoalan
merubah persekitaran..
menyingkap segala permasalah,
memberi ketabahan..
menyedari ssesuatu yang telah lama hilang...

it was me..
i lost..

andai dia masih di sini,
adilkah mata melihat penyeksaan..
adilkah tangan ini berat menghulur..
adilkah dia menanggungnya..

it was easy for other to say sabar...
ada hikmah.. yes.. that's true..
inilah hikmah nya...
but ai can pretend i'm so Ok..

belum pun sempat ai mendendangkan HONEY BEE
now I'm Missing A Star..

it's like a missing star
that's always bee up in your sky
it's like the rainbow
never come after the rain
it's like the sun
never rises in every of your morning

how am i supposed to live without those thing..

o blue sand.. will i ever got to be like you..

sesuatu yang dianggap berharga bila ia telah tiada..

ibu, if u r here, ai would like to share my tears..
hanya ai ingin menangis dibahu mu..

what can i do is just pray for their best..
n clam myself..

Al-Fatihah buat mereka yang telah pergi..
masa untuk ai menyusul bukan ketentuan ku..

sesungguhnya ai benar-benar kehilangan dan terasa kesorangan.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

honey bee

Posted by Ai Am Nor at 6:06 AM 0 Kemon Komen

I dedicated specially to him...
i know he might not read even hear i'm singing..
but i wanted he know what i'm feeling for him..
Mal, this is for u


I am a honey bee,

Shut out from the coliney.
And they won't let me in,
So, I left the hive.

They took away all my stripes,

And broke off both my wings.
So I'll find another tree,
And make the wind my friend.

I'll just sing with the birds,

They'll tell me the secrets of the world.
But my other honey bee,
Is stuck where he doesn't wanna be.

But my darling honey bee,
I'll come save you even if it means,
I'd have to face the queen.

Ba da ba da da dum,
Ba ba ba da da da dum.

So, I'll come prepared,
My new friends say they will help me,
Get my loved one back.

They say it isn't right,
The bee's have control of your mind,

And I choose not to believe them.

So we'll meet in the darkness of the night,
And I promise I will be there on time.
We'll be guilded by my new friends the butterflys,
Bring us back to our own little hive.

Oh, my darling honey bee,

No longer stuck where he doesn't wanna be.
Oh, my darling honey bee,
I have saved you and now that you're with me,
We can make our honey.

Ba da da ba dum bum,
Ba da ba da da da dum.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

ada ai kesah?

Posted by Ai Am Nor at 1:56 AM 0 Kemon Komen
ada org kesah ngan ai?
ai dah cuba...

ada org kesah susah payah ai?
ai dah banyak kali cuba...

ada org tau ai yang sebenarnya mangsa?
ai masih bertahan

ada org tau ai nak bantu dia dari 'kesusahan'
ai tak perlu bagi tau...

biarlah ai jer yang merasa..

jatuh lagu air mata ai...

ingin ku berlari

Posted by Ai Am Nor at 1:20 AM 0 Kemon Komen
ai cuba untuk mengapai impian
tapi tak semua impian itu mudah dicapai
mungkin usaha ai tak menyempurnai keinginan

akan ai usaha lagi...
akan ai ubah segalanya..

akan.. tapi bila dan bagaimana?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

bila jatuh ari mata ku

Posted by Ai Am Nor at 6:23 AM 0 Kemon Komen

bukan ku mengalah

tapi aku sudah mula rasa kalah
saat aku perlukan dirimu memahami
tapi aku seakan berdusta
seakan aku menabur janji kosong

air mata ku jatuh
bukan kerna aku kalah
semangat ku hanya kamu

bila jatuh air mata ku
aku ingin kamu tahu
aku bukan pengalah
jatuhnya air mata ku
isinya semangat

saat jatuh nya air mata ku
bukan dusta semata
saat sendu ku bersyahdu
aku tak bisa berkata

bila jatuh air mata ku
kau di hatiku

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